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Erlau Rebbe Awakens Alarmed; Recites Slichos Fri Night At 3:00AM

It was Friday night at about 03:00 when the Erlau Rebbe Shlita awakened in his room in the yeshiva building. He summoned his gabbai urgently, Chadrei Chareidim reports. The rebbe is quoted as saying that he felt Klal Yisrael needs a yeshua and “this is the time to cry to Shomayim’.

The rebbe instructed the gabbai to gather a minyan and to begin reciting tehillim with slichos. He instructed the gabbai to awaken bochrim from the yeshiva as well. After the minyan arrived in the rebbe’s room they began reciting slichos of Monday along with Yud Gimmel Midos.

A participant is quoted by Chadrei as saying it was very emotional and powerful, seeing the rebbe recite Yud Gimmel Midos on shabbos in his room.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

7 Responses

  1. If only one rav realizes that this is ” “this is the time to cry to Shomayim’” we are in big trouble. The Israeli government seems to be set on the idea of drafting all hareidim (and hareidiyot) and forcing most of the yeshivas to close, and at the same time, that government seems to be set on the idea that mutually assured destruction is a good policy to implement. Fools and Reshayim are always a problem, but together they are an existential threat to the Jews of Eretz Yisrael.

    And then there are the goyim, but we can survive those, as we can rely on Ha-Shem to protect us from that.

  2. It’s the Gezeiro against Metzitza B’peh which is allowed even on Shabbos.
    It says that when Yosef Hatzadik revealed himself to his brothers and showed them his Mokom Hamilah, they were able to see the face of Yakov Aveinu, who had done the Metzitza B’peh on Yosef 37 years ago. That’s why they trembled in fear.

  3. Another rebbe was quoted on the net as saying
    There are big decrees agiant israel and he can’t remove them alone
    He needs help!
    I don’t remeber who the tzadik is, when I do, ill post

  4. 3. Where does it say that??? Stop making things up because you sound foolish & it does nothing to promote your point of view.

  5. 6, your the only problem. The holy Rebbe knows exactly what he is doing and don’t try to portray otherwise. Pikuach nefesh is doiche shabbos so if he had a vision that something imminent is about to happen, you say yud gimel middois!!!!!!

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