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Meretz Pushing Shabbos Bus Service

With the arrival of Elul, many are aroused to tshuva B”H, but for Israel’s Meretz Party, the latter is working tirelessly to increase Shabbos bus service in cities. Meretz officials boast that its private shabbos bus service in the city of Cholon is a success, citing many are opting to take advantage of the service.

According to Kikar Shabbat, the Meretz statement released on motzei shabbos was baseless propaganda as most of Cholon’s traditional residents opted to ignore the buses and remain at home. Kikar reports a few Meretz volunteers and a hand full of others are the only ones that used the shabbos buses, despite the statement claiming “huge success”.

Meretz MK Nitzan Horowitz, who was on the Cholon bus, called upon the Ministry of Transportation to release itself of the bondage of the chareidim and begin offering shabbos bus transportation in cities around the country.

Horowitz feels the move is critical as many Israelis don’t have a way to get around. He adds that if buses are available, there will be fewer cars on the road and therefore, fewer accidents. Chareidi councilmen in a number of cities accuse Meretz of violating the long-standing religious status quo.

Horowitz and Meretz have taken their case to the High Court of Justice.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

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