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Minister Margi Visits Jerusalem MDA Headquarters

Minister of Religious Affairs (Shas) Yaakov Margi this week visited Jerusalem’s Magen David Adom Headquarters, escorted by MDA Director-General Eli Bin. Margi was shown the new MDA building, which was dedicated in 2011 by visiting NYC Mayor Michael Bloomberg.

Bin told the minister that MDA recently purchased 60 motor scooters to add to the EMS’s first response fleet, bringing the total number of two-wheel motorized response vehicles nationwide to 200.

Margi was also shown the new advanced dispatch center, and the minister praised the EMS organization for its professionalism and rapid response, citing the life-saving efforts of the dispatchers who often provide critical instructions to callers to advance treatment until the arrival of the first units.

Margi stated that the thousands of chareidi volunteers nationwide also play a vital role in the organization’s life-saving efforts.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

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