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Mayanei HaYeshua Construction Receives Rav Chaim’s Bracha

HaGaon HaRav Chaim Kanievsky Shlita was shown the construction that is ongoing in Bnei Brak’s Mayanei HaYeshua Hospital during a recent visit to the hospital. The gadol hador was shown the new mental health center, a six story structure in the advanced stage of construction, the daily HaMevaser reports, in addition to showing the start of the new cardiology center. This facility will house the new cardiac catheterization lab. In addition, construction is ongoing to improve the hospital’s OB/GYN services, as well as a women’s and children’s dialysis unit.

The hospital’s director-general received the rav’s bracha, along with the bracha that the services will not be required. The rav added that we are responsible however to do our hishtadlus, and this includes constructing these units.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

One Response

  1. Six floors for mental health patients seems a lot, but there must be separate floors for men and women, and separate sections for ivrit speaking and Yiddish speaking, plus a floor for outpatients and one for fundraising=6

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