Chareidi Parties and Movement for a Jewish and Democratic State Issue Ultimatum to Appoint New Dayaanim

Jerusalem Rabbinical Court

Massive Stress has been placed on the government by the Chareidi parties in the coalition as well as by the Movement for a Jewish and Democratic State in order to set a date that new Daayanim will be appointed to Rabbinical courts.

The Movement for a Jewish and Democratic State has threatened to file a lawsuit against the government due to the ongoing delays in the appointment and the Chareidi parties are supporting the movement on the issue.

MK Yisrael Eichler who is a member of the committee in charge of appointing the judges publicized today that he sent a letter to the head of the committee MK Yuval Steinitz asking him to publicize the names of the Dayaanim being considered for appointment. According to Eichler, the letter was sent before Yom Kippur. Eichler letter also demanded that a date be set for the appointment of the new Dayaanim.

Eichler pointed out in his letter that the Jewish nation’s worthiness of living in Israel is dependent on appointing Dayaanim. “Chazal tell us that the appointment of worthy Dayaanim is essential to Israel’s existence and to its dwelling on its land,” wrote Eichler.

Eichler also stated that he had spoken to both Chief Rabbis and was writing his letter at their behest as well.

Currently, there are 12 Dayaanim missing from local rabbinical courts across the country including the Beit Din Harabbani Hagadol. At the beginning of 2018, 15 Dayaanim will be missing and by the middle of 2018, that number will rise to 19. A previous lawsuit issues by the Movement resulted in the country compensating the Movement some 75,000 NIS and the appointment of 32 Dayaanim.

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