Bnos 5778 Announces New National Theme

How do you improve on a track record of more than 90 years of success?

That was the question that Bnos Agudas Yisroel faced going into the year 5778, but once again, Bnos is back and better than ever. Having spread to more than 40 cities all across the United States, Bnos has embraced its unprecedented growth by kicking off the new year with a nationwide theme that will be shared by Bnosers everywhere, “Eitz Chayim Hi.”

Truly a tree of life that serves the needs of our amazing girls, Bnos is a real eitz chayim, that expects Shnas Ayin Ches, to be a year of serious growth for everyone. The response from Bnos leaders to the new theme has been incredibly positive, with everyone excited to have branches from Brooklyn to Los Angeles all sharing in the same Shabbos group lesson plans which include interactive games, fascinating stories, exciting parsha themes and much more.

While it may be best known for its innovative Shabbos programming that provides girls with healthy social outlets offering positive role models, educational content and the chance to interact with their peers, Bnos runs several other successful programs that take place throughout the year. While Melava Malkas, Chanukah parties and mid-winter events give Bnosers an extra boost, the annual Bnos Leadership convention is the highlight of the year for our advisors, leaders and branch leaders who enjoy a long weekend connecting with friends old and new and expanding their horizons through inspiring lectures and workshops.

High schoolers have been signing up in large numbers to take part in Bnos Bikur Cholim which pairs up teenage girls and homebound seniors for weekly visits. Both our volunteers and their new elderly friends eagerly anticipate their time together, with many forging warm connections that last way beyond the school year.

The ever-popular Bnos 1 on 1 is also off to a great start, with teenage girls undergoing special training before partnering up with girls in grades six through eight for hourly visits once a week. Best of all, everyone wins with Bnos 1 on 1, with our high schoolers developing confidence and interpersonal skills while the little sisters benefit from the attention and friendship of an older girl. Lasting friendships inevitably bloom through this great program, which has been running in several major cities, including Brooklyn, Lakewood, Monsey, Queens, Far Rockaway, the Lower East Side Denver and Passaic.

As the temperatures finally start to dip, things are warming at Bnos 5778 and we are looking forward to a great Bnos season!

For more information about Bnos or to start a Bnos 1 on 1 branch in your city contact Chana Baila Hass at 212-797-9000 extension 353 or via email at [email protected].

(YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

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