Women of the Wall Strike Again on Rosh Chodesh

As has become their custom, the women who label themselves “Women of the Wall” were at the Kosel on Rosh Chodesh Elul 5772, leading to the regular provocations and conflict at the holy site that surround their monthly presence. Rabbi of the Kosel and Religious Sites Rabbi Shmuel Rabinowitz released his standard condemnatory message against the women’s tefilla and attempt to wear talleisim and tefillin.

Rabbi Rabinowitz explains that many people come to visit and be mispallel at the Kosel and instead of achdus; we are compelled to address the monthly acts of provocation by these fanatics who seek to advance their political agenda.

The rav adds that he continues to stress that instead of respecting the site as do others, a site that promotes unity, they opt to use rosh chodesh to promote conflict at the location and this rosh chodesh, marking the beginning of Elul, חודש הרחמים והסליחות is even worse. The rav added that their tefilos are not accepted as they are based in conflict, dispute and חילול ה’.

Three of the participants in the women’s tefilla were taken away by police.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

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