Egypt’s Islamist President To Visit Iran

Egyptian President Mohamed Morsi plans to visit Iran this month for an international summit in what would mark the highest level official contact between the two nations in more than 30 years, according to Egypt’s state news agency.

The MENA agency, quoting a source in Morsi’s office, said the newly elected Islamist president is expected to attend the Non-Aligned Movement summit in Tehran on Aug. 30. The decision follows an invitation hand-delivered to Morsi nearly two weeks ago in Cairo by Iranian Vice President Hamid Baghaei.

Official relations between Egypt and Iran — dominant players in the Middle East for generations -– broke off following the Iranian Revolution and Cairo’s 1979 peace treaty with Israel. Iran has been trying to repair the rift, but former Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak, a strong U.S. ally who was toppled in an uprising last year, refused to restore full diplomatic ties.


2 Responses

  1. Well now let’s see. In 1979, we had a weak leftist president in jimmy carter who threw our former “allie”(The Shah of Iran) under the bus. In 2011/12, we have a weak letist president obama who has out done even jimmy, by throwing the leaders of algieria, libya, egypt and soon syria under the bus. They may not have been our “Allies” but at least we knew these devils. We donot know the new devils who masquerade as freedom fighters ala iran 1979, and come out of the closet as muslem brotherhood, al qaida, taliban, hezbollah or worse.

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