Jerusalem City Hall Takes on the ‘Macharim’

Jerusalem Comptroller Malka Dror has announced she has launched an investigation into the so-called ‘macharim’ in City Hall, those affiliated with the chareidim and secular alike. Dror is referring to the facilitators who are commonly seen in different licensing and other bureaus as they advocate and lobby for their clients and special interests. Dror fears wrongdoing and law-breaking and announces she is committed to bringing an end to any illegal activities.

She plans to also look into the macharim who are seen seated alongside city clerks, the buddies who seem to be part of the system but in actuality, have no authority. These people are generally found in City Hall during early morning and late night hours, not during regular office hours.

Kikar Shabbat quotes “chareidi officials in City Hall” as saying they understand the need for macharim, which they feel is a direct result of the never-ending red tape in the municipality.

Meretz officials on the other hand applaud the action and insist the macharim must be ousted and the trend eliminated once and for all.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

5 Responses

  1. No place for macharim anywhere, unless it is done legally & with abiding by rules/regulation. Macharim make society into “Jungle Living”.

  2. between the inefficient city clerks and the corrupt macharim, it is difficult to do honest business in the city hall.

    We need one, to increase the productivity of the city clerks – they are known for their lack of interest in doing a day’s work, and 2. to get rid of the corrupt machers who push their clients work ahead of the simple fold who come down to the city hall to get business done.

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