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Beis Din Ousts Ashdod’s Head of Vaad Tznius

Rabbi Moshe Sholom Radjemansky (רדז’ימנסקי), who headed the city’s Vaad Tznius was removed from his post this week. He is credited for leading the battle to launch mehadrin bus lines in Eretz Yisrael as well as being a leader in the efforts of the טוהר המחנה effort.

Most recently, the rav prevented the opening of the city’s mehadrin beach, opposing the city’s rabbinate, explaining he wanted the mehadrin area moved elsewhere. He explained there were too many mixed beaches in the area selected for the separate beach and went head-to-head with the city’s rabbonim, unwilling to compromise. The dispute led to a hearing in the הישר והטוב Beis Din in the city on Tuesday, 26 Menachem Av 5772.

The outcome was quite dramatic, perhaps even unexpected. The beis din ousted the rav from his position and related activities. In addition, the beis din is sending a letter to mosdos throughout the city, instructing them not to accept any guidelines or instructions from Rav Radjemansky. The beis din stated the rav is barred to undertaking any position in the city in the future, even the most minimal task.

The rav declines to respond to any and all media reports.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

2 Responses

  1. That sounds like an extremely harsh verdict. Was there more to the case than mentioned here that they ousted him so completely?

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