Who Stole the Posek Hador’s ZATZAL Shtender?

When mispallalim arrived at the “caravan shul” which was the minyan of the posek hador, HaGaon HaRav Yosef Sholom Elyashiv ZT”L on Thursday morning, they were shocked to see that someone had made off with the late Gadol’s shtender.

According to R’ Shlomo Kook, family members are pained over hearing of the disappearance of the shtender and are calling upon whoever took it to return it immediately. Police were notified and R’  Kook adds senior officers expressed disgust over hearing of the theft.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

10 Responses

  1. 96 tzaddikim niftar (i.e. taken back & away from this world by Hashem) -in only a matter of 16 months time-doesn’t shock us to return to Hashem. sometimes Hashem needs to take it to other situations to wake us up.

    i wouldn’t be surprised what comes next when so much tzaros happens & klal yisroel together-as a nation does not do anything or change our ways to return to Hashem, towards bringing an end to tzaros & bringing mashiach


  2. Rather than getting all worked up, everyone should wait calmly to see what turns out actually happened to it. I am sure there is perfectly good explanation as to where it is..

  3. Somehow, Irecall reading recently of a simliar theft of a chair used by another gadol who was recently niftar. In that case, the chair was returned and the thief was apparently one of the rav’s own talmidim. These types of thefts are beyond belief and a real insult to the memory of the Rav, Z’tl. His family has every reason to be upset.

  4. To No. 3- In case anyone knows anything about the theft they are more likely to be readers of the YWN than the WSJ

    To No. 4- Normally I can figure out the intention or meaning of even the most abstract posting in terms of their linkages to the article. In this case, you have me very confused. What possible linkage is there between the loss of 96 gadolim (are you sure its not 97 or 95??) in the past eighteen months and the theft of a shtender? Has the same thief been stealing their shtenders too?? Is there some blackmarket for shtenders that belonged to gadolim? And why are you giving YWN readers musar about doing tshuvah because some low-life steals a shtender??

  5. yumgermanS, “mi samicha liIsh Sar ViShofeit” to declare that “…klal yisroel together-as a nation[-]does not do anything or change our ways to return to Hashem, towards bringing an end to tzaros & bringing mashiach”?

    I think the entire Internet asifa eisek was an enormous step, for one. As well, the ever-increasing learning and chesed is also surely not ignored Above. Of course, there’s much more positive to say, too.

    May Hashem redeem us all BB”A.

  6. #4 I am not sure you understand about tzaddiukum being nifter and hashem sending us a wake up call. When a Tzaddik lives a full life that does not mean that it is a wake up call.

    I am not saying we should not be sad and that it might not in fact be one… but look at the age of the Gedolim, it is horrible that they passed, but we are not talking about it chas vasholum being at a early age.

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