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MORE HATE IN BROOKLYN: Hate Crime At Holocaust Memorial Park in Manhattan Beach

Residents of the Sheepshead Bay and Manhattan Beach Community’s woke up Wednesday morning to yet another hate crime. Vulgar language was painted on the “Magen David” at the Holocaust Memorial Park in Manhattan Beach.

Holocaust Memorial Park, which is used throughout the year to commemorate those that perished in the Holocaust, is located on Westend Avenue at the corner of Emmons Avenue.

NYC Councilman Michael Nelson (Sheepshead Bay, Manhattan Beach) told

“Anti Semitism is a noxious disease which has no place in society. All decent people must stand together to fight this disease that hurts each and every one of us. I will not stand for acts of hate, acts of bigotry of any kind or any act of vandalism in our community”.

Nelson continued “I urge anyone who has any information about the perpetrator or perpetrators of this act to come forward and contact 800-577-TIPS. The NYPD Hate Crime Unit is conducting a thorough investigation”.

After inspecting a Jewish star and vulgar language spray-painted on the central monument leading to the eternal flame at Holocaust Memorial Park in Sheepshead Bay, Assemblyman Steven Cymbrowitz (D-Brooklyn) expressed his outrage and vowed to bring the vandals to justice.

Cymbrowitz was the first to alert police after a jogger saw the vandalism and called his office.

The son of Holocaust survivors, Cymbrowitz called the offensive vandalism “an affront to the memory of the six million Jews killed during the Holocaust, as well as to all Holocaust survivors in my district.”

“This memorial is a symbol of peace and has provided comfort to not only the Holocaust survivors in my community, but to thousands from throughout the city. The callous vandalism of this memorial must not go unpunished. As I told the police officers at the scene, everything must be done to catch these perpetrators of hate,” Cymbrowitz said.

Cymbrowitz has previously called on New York City’s District Attorneys to seek the maximum penalty for defendants accused of hate crimes and ask judges to impose the maximum sentence allowed upon conviction.


2 Responses

  1. The best Memorial is, that we should show HKB”H that we will start teaching our children, the extreme opposite of the attitude of our oppressors.
    And that is, to love and care for, every Human Being, and worry about their welfare, regardless of ethnicity, whether he is a Yid or a Non-Yid, regardless what kind of a mother the child was born to.
    Then, Hashem will have Rachmonus and Never-Again bring on any Holocausts.

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