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Elad Water Outage Leaves Many Hot & Dry

It’s bein hazmanim and the children are home, and for many residents in Elad it was less than pleasant when faucets ran dry on Monday night.

Many homes were left without water on Monday night the eve of 19 Menachem Av 5772. It began on Monday night at about 21:00, when families began realizing the faucets were dry, no showers, no water in the bathrooms and no water for anything.

The calls began coming in to the city’s ‘moked’ operator as residents wished to learn what the cause of the interruption in service was. The response was “we don’t know when water will be restored. Hang in there”.

The race began as residents headed for their nearest grocery in the hope of purchasing bottled water but the supply was depleted rather quickly.

Water was restored at about 23:00 and the community was permitted to go to sleep with a smile. The cause of the outrage remains a mystery at the time of this report.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

2 Responses

  1. “The cause of the outrage remains a mystery at the time of this report”
    I think the cause of the outrage is known. Now, the cause of the outage may still be a mystery.

  2. Wake up call. It is wise to always have enough water to drink for the whole family each day in the fridge, with a few extra litres.
    After the power outage of August 2003 in Toronto and the whole eastern US and Canada, we started keeping three 18 litre bottles of water in the appartment at all times.
    Dont expect the taps to always shoot forth with aqua.

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