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Over 300,000 Children Have Purchased Letters in Sefer Torah

On Wednesday, 20 Menachem Av 5772 a hachnasas sefer torah will be held as the Kosel. Over 300,000 children are participants in this special sefer, from all around Eretz Yisrael and the world. Every child who purchased a letter received a document to attest to his/her participation in the fifth Chabad sefer torah for children.

Rav Shmuel Greizman explains this is purely a non-profit venture, simply fulfilling the words of the rebbe zt”l, praising the fact they are now completing their fifth sefer.

The rebbe called for the special campaign for a sefer torah in which children purchase the letters on 11 Nissan 5741. The rebbe directed this specifically to children below bar and bas mitzvah.

At a farbrengen on Shabbos Parshas B’Chukosai in 5741 the rebbe addressed the precarious situation in the world, the declining situation, warning how there are world leaders that truly threaten the entire world and only B’chasdei Hashem are we protected from their madness. The rebbe called for world peace and peace between yidden, calling for love and achdus. He cited the mitzvah of writing a sefer torah as special, one that is eternal, and by having everyone participate it enhances achdus and therefore the call of the hour was ordering the sefer torah, adding there is a special מעלה גדולה by including the small children, those before bar and bas mitzvah. At that time, the campaign was between Lag B’Omer and Shavuos.

At another farbrengen on Parshas Naso, 4 Sivan, the rebbe instructed that the following day, erev Shavuos a special effort would take place surrounding this sefer torah. On Sunday, 5 Sivan during the afternoon hours of erev Shavuos the rebbe met with children and the registration for the sefer torah continued around the world. Only later was it learned that it was at that time the IAF attacked the Iraqi nuclear reactor and the mission was successful and all the pilots returned home safely B”H.

Chabad today hints the new children’s sefer torah may be protecting us against the number one threat facing Israel, Iran.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

3 Responses

  1. i have admiration for your role as marbitz torah and marbitz sholom bichol tfutzos yisroel.

    kein yirbu kimoscha.

    if i was you i hope i could of made the same choices

  2. Fund raiser?! At $1 a letter, most of which goes to print and mail them a certificate, there’s not much coming in; and if I’m not mistaken Israeli children are only charged 1 shekel a letter, which doesn’t even pay the cost of the Sefer itself.

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