STREAMING LIVE NOW ON YWN : Misaskim is Going Live, Literally!


​NOW! Watch live on ​here: Answering the Cry grand finale, hosted by Rabbi Yoel Gold with many special guests.

As you may have noticed over the past few days, Misaskim has undertaken an emergency campaign to raise a minimum of $500,000 to keep its essential mission operating.

Every year, thousands are left stranded in the wake of crisis and tragedy. And Misaskim is there for them.Tonight, we are asking the entire Jewish community to be there for Misaskim, allowing our volunteers to continue their selfless work for our community.

Hosting the four-hour live culmination of this 60-hour event, beginning at 8pm, will be Rabbi Yoel Gold, famous for his Inspire Clips video series, as well as his Aha! Moments stories in Ami Magazine.

Joining Rabbi Gold and co-host Rabbi Yosef C. Golding, CEO of Misaskim, will be a slew of special guests, including Rabbi Dovid Goldwasser, Yisroel Lamm, Rabbi Eli Mansour, Mordechai Ben David, and the Honorable Simcha Felder. In addition, there will be appearances by family members who were recently helped by Misaskim, including members of the Gluck family, whose parents perished in a recent fire r”l.

Beginning 8:00pm on September 14th and for the next 4 hours, Misaskim needs you. The event will be live on, as well as on many major sites and teleconference systems.
Misaskim never says “no”; be part of Answering the Cry, and say “YES!”.

Donate HERE.

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