Zaka Assists Feeding Nachal Chareidi Soldiers for Shabbos

Only a few hours remained until candle lighting when Berel Yakobowitz, Zaka’s Gush Dan District commander received a call for assistance. On the phone was Rav Yitzchak Bar Chaim, the rav of the IDF’s Nachal Chareidi.

It appears that the troops in the Adam Base near Modi’in found themselves without mehadrin food and shabbos was rapidly approaching. The rav explained he needed a solution for the 30 soldiers who would be spending shabbos in the base. He did explain they did have frozen battle rations but the rav was hoping for better for his soldiers.

In the Zaka spirit, Yakobowitz went directly into action and began gathering shabbos food for the soldiers. Yakobowitz contacted caterers in Bnei Brak who were more than pleased to assist. They donated food generously, realizing they were making shabbos for 30 soldiers, chareidi and shomer shabbos non-chareidi soldiers alike.

Ma’adanei Horowitz and Shefa Shabbos donated salads and fish. R’ Mordechai Klein of Pina Yerushalmit donated a large pot of chulent in addition to salads and kugels. Chaim Lafa made sure to send challos and baked goods and Huminer donated siddurim and benchers. Kobi Rabibo of Kobi’s fruits and vegetables heard what was going on and joined in, donating a large variety of fruits in season for shabbos.

A Zaka ambulance arrived at the base about an hour before shabbos and the soldiers ran to assist, unloading and setting up in time. The soldiers were amazed that every detail was taken care of including refrigerators for the salads, shabbos hot plates and grape juice for kiddush.

Feeling good with the realization they accomplished their mission, the Zaka volunteers headed home for Shabbos in Bnei Brak.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

6 Responses


    May all who helped in this great mitzvah, be gebenched with an abundance of HAGEFEN always!!!

    May H’KBH grant all the Chayalim and kol Am Yisrael to be matzliach in all that they do always and they should return to their families Le Shalom breiiem ve shelamim I’YH b’karov!!!

  2. Yet another beautiful story regarding Jews helping other Jews who are complete strangers! Yet another notch in the coffin of sinas chinam!

  3. Why did the army rav not go through his chain of command and ensure that the soldiers received the glatt kosher rations they were entitled to – and which they receive every day without fail?

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