Rabbonim Instruct Talmidim How to Act at IDF Induction Centers

Relating to the new reality in Israel, the expiration of the Tal Law, rabbonim shlita have released instructions for talmidim summoned to IDF inductions centers. The talmidim are instructed not to sign on any forms, sending a clear signal to government leaders that the chareidi tzibur is not planning to cooperate towards inducting thousands of lomdei torah into the military.

A notice was published in the erev shabbos Yated Ne’eman instructing talmidim that other than providing personal information, they are not to sign on any forms, with the exception of a declaration that learning torah is one’s profession, the form signed in the past that permitted them to continue studying torah under the Tal Law.

Askanim explain that in the past, when a chareidi student arrived at an induction center he supplied basic personal information and then signed a declaration citing his dedication to torah study, and with this he was included under the cloak of the Tal Law, which no longer exists.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

3 Responses

  1. That is how a Rodef Shalom would do it, and our gedolim tend to be Rodfei Shalom. It forces the zionists to decide what to do next, and leaves open the option avoiding conflict.

    A confrontational approach would be to state that they belong to a religion that prohibits military service in the zionist army, and they should have conscientious objector status (which I suspect is what the Muslims will do when drafted). For a Jew to tell the army that the Medinah is incompatible with Torah is a serious challenge, since Israeli propaganda for the last 60+ years has argued that the Medinah has its roots in Judaism (rather than secular European racialistic nationalism, which wouldn’t sound so good, especially since most Europeans have largely rejected the idea they invented).

  2. Akuperma I think you should learn a little bit of Jewish history and stop listening to so much propaganda from both sides.

    Seriously, why can’t those who are willing serve. Why not make it a situation where it is not an embarrassment to ones family when an individual decides that he/she wishes to serve. Why not ask to serve in a Chareidi only unit or do some other form of service. That way those that are not really learning anyway will not embarrass themselves when they decide that the Beis Midrash is not the place for them. Even the Tannaim recognized that there were people who should dedicate their lives to Torah and those that should not.

    What you say to having Charei only police stations in the Chareidi areas? They could do their service that way. Or how about Chareidi firefighters and ambulance drivers? Why not push for something in the middle as opposed to a complete opposition to basic responsibilities as a citizen of a country.

  3. Just to add another factor to what Akuperma is saying “For a Jew to tell the army that the Medinah is incompatible with Torah is a serious challenge…” It is also a challenge for those who have and are putting preassure to receiving their funds from the Zionist State.

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