Number Of Stop & Frisks Drops By 34 Percent

The number of stop-and-frisks conducted by cops plummeted by an astonishing 34 percent between the first and second quarters of the year, The Post has learned.

A city official with access to the data said 133,934 people were stopped by police between April 1 and June 30, compared to 203,500 from January 1 to March 31.

If the lower pace continues for the rest of the year, the total number of stops will be lower than in 2011. That has happened only once before during Mayor Bloomberg’s entire tenure.

The remarkable drop came after Police Commissioner Ray Kelly, under fire from critics who charged that too many innocent people were being questioned, pledged in May to institute additional oversight, training and outreach to prevent racial profiling.

“That’s part of the reason it went down, but not the biggest reason,” explained the source.


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