Rav Kanievsky Gives a Bracha to Senior Clalit HMO Doc

HaGaon HaRav Chaim Kanievsky Shlita gave a warm bracha to Dr. Avishai Yakobowitz, who heads the Clalit HMO women’s services in Modi’in Illit. A special time was set aside for the doctor to meet with the gadol hador as the HMO boasts increasing medical services for the women of the torah community, including increased clinic hours and additional OB/GYN physicians.

The HMO is pleased to have succeeded in getting Dr. Yakobowitz to head the city’s services since he is a leader in his field in Israel.

The doctor requested a bracha for his continued success in efforts to provide the best possible care for the women of Modi’in Illit.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

One Response

  1. When will we stop people (and organizations) from using our Gedolim as advertising machines. Does anyone see how ridicules this sounds!? i mean , replace Rav Chaim’s name with Rav Boruch Ber and read it again…. how does it sound now?

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