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CBS 2 Report on the Siyum Hashas

Massive Crowd Dangerously Swarms Around Chacham Ovadia At Teddy Stadium Siyum HaShas

PHOTOS: Siyum HaShas In Antwerp

PHOTOS: Siyum HaShas at Zichron Moshe (Chaim Schvarcz – Kuvien Images)

PHOTOS: Siyum HaShas In Manchester

Misaskim Coordinating Massive Security Detail For Siyum Hashas At ‘MetLife Stadium’

PHOTOS: Siyum HaShas In Belz Kehilos Of New York

PHOTOS: Siyum HaShas For ‘Mifal HaShas’ In Homes Of Gedolei Yisroel

CBS 2 Report on the Siyum Hashas

VIDEO & PHOTOS: English Dirshu Siyum HaShas at Binyanei HaUmah

Siyum HaShas WILL Take Place In MetLife Stadium Despite Weather Reports

VIDEO & PHOTOS: Yerushalayim Siyum HaShas 5772

PHOTOS: Siyum HaShas In Belz Kehilos In Bnei Brak

PHOTOS: Shas Siyum HaShas in Teddy Stadium

VIDEO & PHOTOS: Dirshu Siyum HaShas At Yad Eliyahu Stadium

PHOTOS: Siyum Hashas Concludes In Melbourne Australia

VIDEO & PHOTOS: London Siyum HaShas

PHOTOS: Siyum HaShas In Lelov

PHOTOS: Siyum HaShas In Moditz Brachfeld (JDN)

PHOTOS: Siyum HaShas In Kehilos Shatz Vishnitz

PHOTOS: Siyum HaShas In Bais Knesses Chevron (JDN)

VIDEO & PHOTOS: Preparations for the Yerushalayim Siyum HaShas

PHOTOS: Marking 30 Days To The Siyum HaShas At The kosel

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