Forged Siyum HaShas Tickets for Sale in Yerushalayim

For those familiar with Jerusalem’s HaShoshanim Printing on Bar Ilan Street, the company is known for telling clients, “we print anything but dollars” and that is what police were afraid of, prompting a raid.

Police on Tuesday morning raided the business reports, fearing the HaShoshanim is printing unauthorized tickets for the night’s Siyum HaShas in Yerushalayim’s Maalot Daphne neighborhood. Police signal the tickets even display a forged Israel Police seal on them.

Police conducted a search of the store and they found forged tickets. The owner was taken in for questioning. Police commanders add that tonight, at the siyum, the ticket inspection will be rigid and anyone without a valid ticket will not be permitted to enter the event.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

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