US: Don’t Attack Iran Unilaterally

According to a Yediot Achronot report US President Barak Obama tells his closest aides and allies that he remains committed to his statement that America will not permit Iran to achieve nuclear independence, and this means America will use any means to meet this commitment.

In the interim, as US Secretary of Defense Leon Panetta visits Israel and prepares for meetings with senior state officials his message to the prime minister is don’t act unilaterally against Iran for doing so will incur the wrath of the United States and there will be a price to be paid.

The report adds that relations between Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu and President Obama have not been ideal, and seeing the prime minister buddy up with GOP hopeful Mitt Romney during his visit to Yerushalayim did not endear Mr. Netanyahu with the US leader.

It appears the senior visits are aimed at bypassing the prime minister, having senior American officials persuade other government ministers and decision-makers that America’s commitment is unshakable, and therefore, acting unilaterally is counterproductive – hoping to box Mr. Netanyahu in as a minority opinion favoring a military strike against Iran with waiting for the United States to decide on such a plan of action.

In talks with the Prime Minister, Defense Minister Ehud Barak, senior IDF commanders and intelligence community chiefs, US officials are explaining that Israel simply does not have the means the US has to carry out such an assault. The Americans feel that even if Israel is successful, it will delay Iran’s plans by 18 months at best.

It appears the Americans have no plan of taking any military action against Iran in the coming 18 months, a position that is not likely to find overwhelming support among Israeli leaders who feel the issue of time is critical, based on intelligence reports that the window of opportunity to act against Iran is rapidly closing.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

4 Responses

  1. Of course Mr Obummer does not want Israel to attack. Then it will come out once again that Mr Obutthead is pro-Muslim and anti-American.

  2. Obama, you’re a failure and you know it. Charles Krauthammer has already stated that no Jew who supports Israel will vote for Obama in the election! Enuf said!

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