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PHOTO: Mitt Romney Visits Kosel

Presumptive GOP nominee Mitt Romney, joined by his wife Ann, made a previously unannounced stop at the Kosel on Sunday while in Jerusalem meeting with Israeli leaders.

The Romneys were joined by Rabbi Shmuel Rabinowitz of the Western Wall, who also accompanied President Barack Obama’s visit to the site during his 2008 trip to Israel as a presidential candidate.

Wearing a yarmulke and a dark suit, Romney put a piece of paper believed to be a prayer into the wall after being read a passage of Tehillim by the rabbi.

Meanwhile, Ann Romney was on the other side of a partition reserved only for women. She stood before the wall for several moments and also placed a piece of paper in the wall.

After Rabinowitz blessed Romney and read Psalm 121 (“The Lord watches over you…”), Romney placed a pre-written prayer in the wall, as is customary, then paused for a moment of silent prayer, leaning on the wall with his right hand. On his way out he signed a guest book.

Romney’s wife, Ann, walked to the wall via a separate women’s section, separated from her husband by a six-foot-tall barrier. She also placed a prayer in the wall and paused with her hands over the crack where she placed it.

As they returned to their cars, hundreds of people surrounded the candidate, as security tried to push them away.

“Jerusalem is the Capitol of Israel — don’t forget it,” one man shouted at Romney.

Another rabbi spoke to Scott Romney, the candidate’s brother, and aides, saying, “We wish you success. We want you to win. You need a new president.”

“Mitt Romney, God will make you president because you can to Israel,” shouted another man, as donors and supporters replied “Amen.”

Other shouts were less friendly, with one young man shouting at Romney to release his tax returns, as several older men shouted in English and Hebrew for the United States to free imprisoned Israeli spy Jonathan Pollard.

(Sources: CNN / BuzzFeed)

2 Responses

  1. Why is presidential GOP nominee Romnery referred to as presumptive GOP Nominee ? Didn’t he earn the right to be called a Presidential GOP Nominee ?

  2. No, he’s not the nominee until he is nominated. We assume he will be nominated on 29 August, but until that actually happens there is no nominee.

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