Bolton: Obama ‘Most Hostile’ President Toward Israel Ever

Former U.N. Ambassador John Bolton is calling Barack Obama “the most hostile president” toward Israel since the Jewish state was created, saying his policies have “actually set the peace process back” in the Middle East.

Responding to a tweet Tuesday from Vice President Joe Biden that Obama “has done more for Israel’s security than any president since Harry Truman,” Bolton declared, “That’s just ridiculous.”

“This is the most hostile president since the state of Israel was created,” Bolton told Fox News’ Greta Van Susteren Tuesday night. “He’s demonstrated that hostility right from the beginning of his administration.”

Bolton – now a Fox News contributor who supports Republican Mitt Romney’s presidential campaign – accused the president of putting “the responsibility for all the turmoil in the region on Israel.”

“By relieving the Palestinians of any real obligation to negotiate, he’s actually set the peace process back,” Bolton charged, referring to early speeches in which the president suggested Israel should be confined to the boundaries established following the 1967 Arab-Israeli conflict known as the Six-Day War.

“This has been very, very restrictive on Israel, and it has cost the United States, and Israel, and its Arab friends in the region,” he added.


7 Responses

  1. Haaretz and many neo-liberal Israelis are more hostile to Israel than Obama. Do you expect Obama to be more “frum” than them?? “Im ein ani li, mi li?”

  2. I think not Only to Eretz Yisrael, he’s more Hostile person in general. If you watch how he reacts to questions or responds to comments made about him you’d know what I mean. I happen to see a video clip of a reporter or person blurting out a question in middle of a press conference in front of the white house, (which by the way I think is a chutzpah)but anyways. You could just see Mr. Obama reacting more hostile and angrier then Mr. Bush did when the reporter threw shoe at him in Iraq which could of made hole in his head. I think Mr. Bush was a serious man and maybe at times sounded like a strict man. But Hostile? Nah.

  3. Totally untrue but I’m sure these right wingnuts and neocons will say anything to get their periodic 15 minutes of media coverage. Last night Bolton was out there defending Bachman’s ill-fated hatchet job and several well know Arab-American public officials which has been denounced by every major responsible conservative.

  4. No president has ever been a friend of israel or the Jews. However some of them were able to control their emotions putting all their anti semitism under the table while others such as truman, Carter, and Obama are raving anti-semites

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