HaRav HaMekubal Rav Dovid Chaim Stern Shlita To Pray For A Year Of Blessing On Behalf Of Those Who Donate To Kupat Chazon Ish


He embodies humility and modesty, but those who seek his counsel know that the holy mekubal of Bnei Brak has a special pathway to our Father in Heaven. His blessings have miraculously come true – whether for shidduchim, recovery from illness, healthy children, or success in raising them. Now, HaRav Dovid Chaim Stern is offering his heartfelt blessings and tefillos for those who donate to the charity organization he established, Kupat Chazon Ish Beis Avraham. In the 60 years since the organization’s founding, thousands of contributors have merited untold salvation.

Kupat Chazon Ish was established with the blessings, advice, and direct involvement of the Chazon Ish and the Steipler Gaon, who served as its treasurer before handing the reigns over to Rav Stern. Managed by the greatest tzaddikim of our time, it is a tzedaka fund like no other. Every penny donated goes directly toward assisting families in dire financial straits. They are saddled with oppressive medical bills, dreadful living conditions, and constant hunger. But Kupat Chazon Ish relieves their burden.

With careful precision, volunteers of Kupat Chazon Ish create recovery plans that save families in crisis through strategic financial support, job training, budget planning, and more. The Beis Avraham Fund of Kupat Chazon Ish assists thousands of widows, orphans, and single mothers with limited sources of income. But they don’t need to help the same families year after year, because an astounding 75% of families helped by Kupat Chazon Ish make a complete financial recovery.

As the New Year approaches, struggling families are increasingly burdened with the financial strain of the holidays. This year, Kupat Chazon Ish Beis Avrohom will distribute 1.2M NIS before Yom Tov to families living in dire poverty. You too can be a part of this mitzvah, and acquire a great merit for the new year.

What’s more, your zechus will be instantly doubled. In addition to the great zechus of supporting aniyim in the Holy Land, you will procure the unfathomable merit that comes with the tefillos and blessings of a great tzaddik. “I’m the lawyer, the agent, serving as an advocate between you and your Father in Heaven,” says Rav Stern. As we face the heavenly tribunal this Rosh HaShanah and Yom Kippur, who doesn’t need a top lawyer to advocate on his behalf?

Take advantage of this special opportunity by donating at www.kupaschazonish.org or send your donation, along with a kvittel specifying your Hebrew name and your mother’s Hebrew name to Kupat Chazon Ish – Beit Avraham, 901 Avenue M, Brooklyn, NY 11230. You can also donate by phone today by calling 718.338.9606.

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