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Pashkavilim Calling for IDF Service in Meah Shearim

Activists of the Im Tirtzu (אם תרצו) organization pasted pashkavilim on poster boards in Meah Shearim calling upon residents to serve in the IDF. This occurred on Tuesday night, with the signs calling upon chareidim to serve in the IDF.

The activists arrived in the Meah Shearim area late, close to midnight and began posting their pashkavilim. As they approached the beginning of Meah Shearim Street, where the street narrows as one heads from Kikar Shabbos, they managed to get a few signs up but it did not take long for local residents to come out and put a halt to their activities.

One local man got to the trunk of the activist’s vehicle and made off with the supply of pashkavilim. They activists opted to make do with the limited success and they did not chase after him, preferring to call it quits and they left the area.

Chadrei Chareidim quotes one resident as saying “Take the Arabs. We hate the state” in response to the signs.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

3 Responses

  1. There are chances for a great `Shiddach` here. They can take the Arabs and move to Oman, Tehran or Petra. I would love to take the State and move to Yerushaliam. So, sell this Zionist your property and move and we’ll all be happy. You will not need to complain about the State. There will be no more complaints and everyone will leave in peace.

    Thank you YWN for giving me this public opportunity to make peace.

  2. Chymee, with advocates like yourself who take the position “Take the Arabs. We hate the state”…who needs enemies.

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