MK Maklev Comments on Kadima’s Crisis

In his comments from the Knesset podium, MK (Yahadut HaTorah) R’ Uri Maklev explained that Kadima should have realized that anyone seeking to deliver a blow to limud torah in Eretz Yisrael will be compelled to pay the price and such a party will “crumble and split apart”.

Maklev added that making things worse, Kadima’s motives are not sincere and the party is motivated by hate, not a true commitment to its cause.

“Throughout history, all the parties that tried waging a war against avreichim and lomdei torah has crumbled and vanished. Kadima should have been aware of this”, stated MK Maklev in response to the recent campaign to pull tens of thousands of chareidim out of batei medrashim nationwide.

Maklev added that the focus of the new draft law is so intense “as if we have no other concerns. No threats along out borders, no economic issues, no issue with illegal aliens crossing into the country daily, and no other political or diplomatic worries”.

Maklev added that from his perspective, “it all begins with an agenda that can be found in the wilderness of opposition and backed by the Reformers. They found a cause to pretend and they succeeded in carrying the entire nation by the nose. Lacking anything serious, as everything is shallow and a political spin, wars of survival and increased public relations. Then come the politicizing filled with hate akin to the gourd of Yonah HaNavi שבן לילה היה ובן לילה הלך and that is what is taking place here”.

“The question remains how the so-called alternative party, the new party, the strong party with honest people – each with public sector and security sector experience begins crumbling. The answer to this is that history has shown us that anyone attacking torah, seeking to oust avreichim from learning will crumble and disintegrate. Anyone engaged in a war against limud torah will crumble. This they should have learned”.

He concluded by pointing out that during recent months Kadima has waged a war against chareidim and in the interim, there has been a significant rise in the Labor Party’s popularity because Labor is seeking to get ahead by pushing real issues while for Kadima it has been about hatred for chareidim.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

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