Bloomberg’s Gun-Control Fix: Police Officers Should Strike

Mayor Bloomberg suggested Monday that cops should go on strike to spur the nation’s leaders to get serious about cracking down on guns.

“I don’t understand why the police officers across his country don’t stand up collectively and say, ‘We’re going to go on strike. We’re not going to protect you unless you, the public, through your legislature, do what’s required to keep us safe,” Bloomberg said on CNN’s “Piers Morgan Tonight.”

The mayor’s surprising comments were in reaction to the Colorado massacre that left 12 dead and 58 wounded. He prodded President Obama and his GOP rival Mitt Romney to lead the charge against the proliferation of guns.

“After all, police officers want to go home to their families and we’re doing everything we can to make their jobs more difficult,” the mayor said.

Earlier Monday, Bloomberg urged gun-weary New Yorkers to threaten to hold their Congressional reps responsible for not renewing the federal ban on assault weapons.

“You can call your congressman, you can call your senator and say, ‘I don’t care, I’m holding you responsible even if you say you’re going to vote for rationality with guns. I’m going to hold you responsible because you’re the only one I can vote for. It’s your problem how you convince the others,’” Bloomberg said.

(Source: NY Daily News)

6 Responses

  1. Actually, Mr. Mayor, many cops across the country are what you would call “gun enthusiasts” and support responsible gun ownership.

  2. And I thought he was crazy when he said ban sugary drinks and make bicycles pay to cross the bridges. Why don’t politicians go on strike? Oh yeah, because no one will notice or care. The thing Mayor Mike is missing is- this kid was a lone lunatic that used an assault rifle due to it’s high bullet magazine capacity. In Nyc there have been more people killed in June without assault rifles so what’s his point? Other then unleashing chaos on the city? If he wasn’t the mayor suggesting that the NYPD go on strike you’d think HE was a lunatic!

  3. “I don’t understand why the police officers across his country don’t stand up collectively and say, ‘We’re going to go on strike. We’re not going to protect you unless you, the public, through your legislature, do what’s required to keep us safe,”

    Hmm Bloombo, maybe it’s because they know more about democracy and liberty than you, the Totalitarian Soda Czar.

  4. If Bloomberg had any brains, he would realize that the vast majority of street cops do not support gun control. They know they have nothing to fear from a person who is legally in posession of a weapon. The only cops who do support gun control are the Chief’s and Commissioner’s in whose best interest it is to be seen with politicians who support it for political reasons. We already have far too many gun lawes in this country but they are either not enforced or jail sentences are too short. Banning guns will never work since criminals don’t obey the law anyway. Just look at England where several years ago guns were banned and now crime is out of control and the honest citizens can no longer defend themselves.

  5. It’s easy for the emperor to spew this nonsense from behind his wall of NYPD (And private) guards. Lets see you give up THEIR guns and then lets talk. You elected him folks! Gay marriage, Anti-American gun laws, He’s going to ban Assault Sodas too!

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