German Court’s Circumcision Ban Does Not Affect US Military Clinics

U.S. military doctors will continue performing circumcisions on male infants when parents request it, officials say, despite a controversial German court decision that banned the procedure as inhumane.

The June decision by a court in Cologne applies only in that jurisdiction, not in any of the German states in which U.S. military clinics are located, said Ed Rohan, a spokesman for Europe Regional Medical Command.

“If another jurisdiction in which we have military treatment facilities were to pick up the same legal reasoning, there is a possibility that it would apply to health care providers” there, he said.

“At this point they will continue to perform circumcisions, but our legal experts will continue to follow this issue and provide advice based on any other court or legislative actions,” Rohan said.

U.S. facilities may be among the few places now in Germany to do the procedure. After the June court ruling, the head of Germany’s medical association said he was advising colleagues throughout the country against performing circumcisions to avoid any risk of criminal prosecution.


2 Responses

  1. Imagine if Avrohom Oveinu would have completed the Akeidu and he would live in Germany, he would have been charged with murder for killing Yitzchok, because they don’t understand.
    Yiftach Hashoifet who burned his daughter because he made such a Neder, would have also been charged for murder.

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