NY: Property Tax Exemption Extended To 30,000 More Seniors And Disabled Homeowners

New York State’s Senior Citizen Homeowners Exemption (SCHE) or Disabled Homeowners Exemption (DHE) programs offer a welcome tax break for tens of thousands of senior citizens and people with disabilities who own a home but struggling with finances.

Now, a new law co-sponsored by Senator Felder and his Senate and Assembly colleagues, will extend this valuable tax break to an additional 30,000 households. The state law was signed by Governor Cuomo earlier this month. A local bill legislating these programs wasrecently passed by the New York City Council and signed into law by Mayor Bill de Blasio onAugust 25th.

Eligibility for the SCHE and DHE programs is based on the annual household income,which in past years, was capped at $37,400. The new law increases the cap to $58.400.

“It’s our responsibility to make sure seniors or people with disabilities live with dignityand minimal financial stress,” said Senator Felder. “By making these valuable tax exemptionsavailable to as many people as possible demonstrates the priorities and principles of New YorkState lawmakers and all of its citizens.”

(YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

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