Bloomberg On Colorado Theater Shooting: Where Do Obama, Mitt Stand?

Within hours of the horrific shooting deaths in Colorado, New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg, one of the nation’s leading advocates for stricter gun control, was working Friday to seize the moment to put the issue squarely in the middle of the presidential race.

Bloomberg demanded President Barack Obama and Mitt Romney tell voters specifically what they plan to do prevent such tragedies in the future – saying that standing up for what’s right is more important than winning election.

“Soothing words are nice,” the mayor, who has yet to endorse in the White House race, said a radio appearance on Friday morning. “But maybe it’s time the two people who want to be president of the United States stand up and tell us what they’re going to do about it, because this is obviously a problem across the country. And everybody always says, ‘Isn’t it tragic?’”

“I mean, there’s so many murders with guns every day,” Bloomberg said. “It’s just gotta stop. And instead of these two people, President [Barack] Obama and Governor [Mitt] Romney, talking in broad things about, they want to make the world a better place. OK, tell us how. And this is a problem. No matter where you stand on the Second Amendment, no matter where you stand on guns, we have a right to hear from both of them, concretely, not just in generalities, specifically, what are they going to do about guns?”

Bloomberg also went on to suggest most of the nation’s governors should also make their stances clear.

”There’s something more important than getting re-elected,” he said. “And that’s standing up and saying what you think is right.”


5 Responses

  1. Bloomberg the only thing more dangerous than guns is you right to free speech, that is the real thing that should be banned. You should have to apply for a permit every time you want to open up you mouth then maybe we wont be subject to your nonsense shame on you politicizing peoples tragedy’s for you own agenda how low can a person get?!

  2. Maybe if someone in the audience had been armed then the victim count would have been lower. Cities and states that allow citizens to carry concealed weapons have less crime and a lower murder rate.

  3. Did NYPD’s Stop and Frisk policy drop the gun violence rate in NYC one iota ? Recently Chief Kelly admitted that it did not. So why is this Gun Banner-in-Chief standing on his politicized soapbox (with the aid of a step stool) screaming for more gun control? Bloomberg, you go on banning extra large cups of soda pop and trans fats. Leave public safety to those affected by the lack of it: legally armed and trained citizens.

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