Delegations Arriving from Across the Globe in Honor of Dirshu’s Siyum HaShas

The upcoming week will witness an influx of Dirshu representatives from across the globe as hundreds arrive in Eretz Yisrael to join Klal Yisrael’s celebration at the Kinus Olam HaTorah-Dirshu Siyum HaShas on Monday, 11 Av in the Yad Eliyahu stadium in Tel Aviv.

Delegations of Dirshu lomdei Torah and patrons are scheduled to arrive from the USA, Canada, England, Belgium, France and Holland, among others. At the forefront are Dirshu’s esteemed Chassanim who have learned and have been tested year-round within the framework of Dirshu programs worldwide, specifically Kinyan Shas and Kinyan Torah on Shas and Kinyan Halacha on Mishnah Brurah. Other distinguished guests include Dirshu Maggidei Shiur who lecture daily in Daf Yomi Gemara or Halacha; participants in Dirshu learning and testing programs; and Dirshu faculty and coordinators from cities around the globe.

Dirshu guests will be treated to an inspirational week chock-full of Torah, tefilla and chizuk. Special moments will include visits to the home of Gedolei Yisrael, shlit”a, and of course, the pinnacle event of the Kinus Olam HaTorah in Yad Eliyahu. The first to arrive will be delegations from America which will inaugurate their trip with visits to the homes of Gedolei Yisrael, who will deliver divrei bracha and chizuk in appreciation of this historic event and efforts of lomdei Torah.

Dirshu’s unique program, which spans several unforgettable days, includes the Kinus Olam HaTorah in Yad Eliyahu on Monday and English Siyum HaShas in Binyanei Ha’Uma on Tuesday. Wednesday’s program will feature a special Dirshu reception in Yerushalayim welcoming all who participate in one of the many Dirshu programs in Eretz Yisrael and abroad.

The daily program will begin at nine a.m. Plans include a visit to the Kosel; tour of the Old City in Yerushalayim; and prayers at Kivrei Gedolei Yisrael in Bnei Brak and Yerushalayim. Esteemed Rabbanim will address the assembled with divrei Torah and chizuk each day during a delicious lunch break.

Excitement mounts as hundreds of Dirshu participants and family members prepare to join Dirshu in Eretz Yisrael in honor of this spectacular manifestation of kavod hatorah. Due to lack of seating space, Dirshu was unable to approve all requests for extra tickets to the Kinus Olam HaTorah, and has thus limited extra tickets to immediate family members only. Members of Dirshu parties throughout the world express their anticipation of the moment that they will touch upon holy soil and join Klal Yisrael’s celebration of Torah.

Executive Rabbi Nosson Weingarten, who is coordinating the arrival and accommodations of foreign Dirshu delegations, reports that Dirshu has endeavored to pack the maximum quantity and quality of activity and inspiration into this short, intensive week. Separate programs for men and women were meticulously constructed with close attention to detail to ensure our guests’ material comforts while promoting our ultimate goal of enhancing kavod hatorah and simchas hatorah during a week of boundless chizuk ruchniyus.

(YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

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