Women’s Tefillah at the Kosel

Tonight, erev Rosh Chodesh Av 5772 there will be a women’s tefilla at the Kosel at 20:00, with an emphasis placed on achdus yisrael. Organizers explain that with rosh chodesh being the yahrzeit of Aaron HaCohen, who was known for his peace-making efforts, it is a most appropriate time to be mispallel at the Kosel for his ever so important cause, that we should get along and respect one another.

The effort is being organized by the Am Echad im Lev Achad organization, which sponsors the annual event in the hope of bring Jews closer together. A number of prominent rebitzens are planning to attend but prefer that their names are not published for reasons of tznius. They women will be reciting tefilos and tehillim, including prakim 119 and 133, which contain the letters of the Hebrew words ‘achdus yisrael’.

The goal according to the women is to increase achdus and ahavas yisrael, and they are hopeful in the merit of the effort, the unity of their tefilos, the message will be heard. There will be simultaneous tefilos in Eretz Yisrael at kivrei tzaddikim as well as in cities, town and settlements throughout Eretz Yisrael, and also worldwide.   Those women and girls who are outside of Eretz Yisrael are asked to join in these prayers at the same time, if possible, or whenever they are able.   For additional information one may visit the website or contact [email protected]

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

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  1. Editor: it seems the link marked website brings us back to this article. If you could fix it please….thank you

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