Israel: Heat-Wave Takes Toll on Crops

The heat-wave of the past week is blamed for the loss of many crops, farmers report. This will result in a predicted price hike between 12%-18%.

The hardest hit area is the Arava, which impacts tomatoes, watermelons and other melons.

The heat-wave is expected to peak today, Wednesday 28 Tammuz 5772. Temperatures in the capital will reach 99-100F and areas including the Arava, Eilat, Tiveria, and Beersheva will be considerably hotter.

Israel Electric Company officials report that during the afternoon peak hours, the difference between nationwide demand, 11,800 and maximum output, 11,900, will only be 100 megawatts, prompting the utility company to urge residents to refrain from using any and all unnecessary appliances between noon and 17:00.

The forecast for today in some cities – Dead Sea area 44C (111F), Beersheva 41C (106F), Tel Aviv 33C (91.F) with 60% humidity and Eilat 45C (113F).

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

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