Kids Color, Stay Safe and Win a Free Teddy Bear: ‘Let’s Stay Safe!’ Kids Coloring Contest

Responding to the recent child abduction attempts in Lakewood, Yated Ne’eman in conjunction with the Barry and Harriet Ray Child Safety Awareness Campaign of the Center for Jewish Family Life is sponsoring a coloring contest for kids. The coloring pictures, will be printed in the center of the magazine section and will contain five critical safety messages to empower the children to keep themselves safe. The coloring pictures were adapted by illustrator, Mrs. Tova Leff, from the Center for Jewish Family Life’s/Project YES’ best-selling children’s safety book, “Let’s Stay Safe!” (an ArtScroll/Mesorah publication). All children ages 3 – 8 who color all 5 safety pictures will receive a certificate for a free safety teddy bear. (Official rules appear on page 4 of the Yated Ne’eman’s magazine each week.)

The first coloring picture, teaching children how to respond to stranger-danger, appeared in the Shabbos Nachamu issue of the Yated Ne’eman. If you missed it, it’s posted below or download it here for your children to color, or send us an email at [email protected] and we will email it to you.

JUST FOR PARENTS: Rabbi Yakov Horowitz has also created a special 4 ½ minute safety video to teach parents how to discuss stranger-danger with your children in an easy and comfortable manner.

Hey Kids!

You all want to be safe,

But you’ve got to know how,

Join our summer safety contest –

You can start coloring right now!

Every week for five weeks,

The Yated Ne’eman will bring to you,

A safety message to learn,

Be sure to color it in too!

When you’ve learned the safety rules,

And your coloring is all done,

You can win a “Let’s Stay Safe!” Teddy

And be so safe, while you have fun!

One Response

  1. Thank you Mr. and Mrs. Ray for this wonderful contest to teach our kids safety rules. What a terrific idea it is to get the message across! It’s amazing how innovative our Klall workers have become to meet the challenges of getting important lessons learned in such a fun manner.

    I plan on sending this link to my friends so their kids can color it too — but I’m having a problem printing the picture so that it’s large enough to color. Is there a larger pdf type document that we can use?

    We have a copy of Let’s Stay Safe! at home and our little ones love it! They especially love finding that hidden teddy bear on every page. They are going to be thrilled with that teddy bear prize for coloring the pictures! Thank you YeshivaWorld for letting us know about the contest.

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