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Air Force Chief Says Violent Soldiers Who Assaulted Officer Have No Place in the IAF

Israel Air Force Commander Major-General Amir Eshel who was responding to the recent attack in the Ramat David base against a deputy squadron commander of the rank of major by three soldiers said “these soldiers have no place in the IAF”.

In a letter released by the commander to his troops Eshel indicated that after the investigation into the matter is completed, the soldiers involved will not be returning to the IAF.

Eshel was referring to the incident on shabbos, in which the major [whose name may not be released due to the security blackout on pilot’s identities] asked the driver of a military vehicle to “slow down” after he detected the vehicle was being driven recklessly, endangering his children on the base, including his own. This legitimate request led to a harsh verbal assault against the major by the soldiers in the vehicle, and the latter eventually returned to find the major, armed with clubs, and they beat him.

The major denies statements by the soldiers that he used derogatory terms against Ethiopians, and they, the defendants are now claiming the entire incident was racist in nature.

The major stated that these accusations are far more painful for him than being struck with the clubs. Air force officials explain that this specific officer, the major, has been involved in volunteer projects to assist the Ethiopian community and allegations of racism leveled against him are simply baseless.

The air force’s commander is less apologetic and he simply stated that the use of force and the level of insubordination demands their removal from the air force.

Following the investigation the matter will be handed to the military prosecutor and in all likelihood the soldiers will face criminal charges and a jail term if convicted of their alleged crime.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

2 Responses

  1. Wait until they start getting angry Hareidim in the army. Whether they end up being pro-Neturei Karta, or super “Hardal” (religious nationalists), they will be insubbordinate, and much more serious problems will follow.

  2. If soldiers assault an officer, yep, that is the quick way out of the forces.
    If a person gets racial though, they can expect a response. It is not so hard to get under peoples skin, and it is to be expected that some people are red bloods, and will not sit quietly with being insulted.
    If Id have witnessed the inicdent, itd be easier to say boo.

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