​The Heart Of Yerushalayim Beating Again


By Shiffy Friedman

At the epicenter of Yerushalayim, in a secluded enclave, a vibrant Jewish community flourished during the period of the Second Beis Hamikdash. This very locale was later utilized as a gathering point for the Romans, then as a Christian orphanage, and then as a British military camp. Finally, this neighborhood, known as the Schneller Compound, has come to life again with the establishment of the exclusive development Merom Yerushalayim. Finally, the historic complex is serving its most appropriate purpose, providing the ideal backdrop for hundreds of frum families who want to live in the heart of Yerushalayim, in the project that provides a fusion of history and modernity of the highest caliber.

History of a Hotspot

For many years, the Schneller Compound, which was declared as one of Jerusalem’s 110 sites for strict preservation, was guarded behind fences and walls. With its dedication to the neighborhood of Merom Yerushalayim, the time has come to explore the fascinating story of the place that has always aroused great interest.

Nestled in a city that’s teeming with history, the Schneller Compound has an especially rich past. It tells a story within a story. This fortified enclosure played a significant role in the many battles waged in the city, dating back as early as during the reign of the Roman Empire. It was the center from which armies of conquerors and warriors commenced their battles, the place that saw the city in all its glory and then its heartrending destruction.

Because of its unique, complex construction as well as its strategic location, the actual edifice on the Schneller grounds has been considered one of the most important and beautiful sites in Jerusalem. From the year 1861 until the Second World War, this building served as the location for an orphanage run by Christians, known as the Syrian Orphanage. Founded by German missionary Johann Ludwig Schneller, a Jerusalem resident, the orphanage was constructed following the revolt in Lebanon in 1860, when many Christians were slaughtered by Muslims and Druze in the country, resulting in the remainder of countless young Christian orphans. With the encouragement of his government, Schneller founded the Syrian Orphanage, which was commonly referred to as the Schneller Orphanage. The land in the western part of the city on which the compound was built was purchased from the Arabs of Lifta.

Incredibly, during the excavation process of the orphanage, archeologists estimated that this location, at the heart of the capital, housed a vibrant Jewish community centuries earlier. One of the diverse and fascinating finds that were discovered was a large winepress complex that dated back to the Roman or Byzantine period, some 1,600 years ago. Traces of Roman baths, as well as other artifacts such as wine press accessories, led researchers to believe that a mansion once stood on these grounds, and that its residents made a living, among other things, from growing vines and producing wines.

Once the construction was completed, the Schneller Orphanage enjoyed much fame and popularity in the Christian world. Unfortunately, it also served as a missionary locale for young Jewish children, and was renowned in the German world for its Christian indoctrination. With the outbreak of World War II, however, the British expelled the German inhabitants of Eretz Yisrael, including the residents and staff at the orphanage. At that point, the coveted spot was transformed into a central British army camp.

On March 17, 1948, the British evacuated the camp and transferred it to the Etzioni Brigade, the Haganah force of the Jerusalem district. For 60 years since, the compound served as a military base.

In July of 1997, a dramatic change took place in the designation of the desired compound. In a secret meeting attended by then-infrastructure minister Ariel Sharon, deputy housing minister Meir Porush, and Jerusalem mayor Ehud Olmert, the three decided to allocate the site to chareidi public institutions. This historic decision canceled existing plans for the construction of 800 housing units and 400 hotel rooms in the compound.

Finally, in 2008, after all military organizations operating from the site had relocated, preparations were underway for the construction of an ultra-Orthodox neighborhood and hundreds of new housing units, with an emphasis on preserving the historic buildings in the area and their designation as public landmarks and heritage sites.

At this phase, the initiators of Merom Yerushalayim entered the picture.

Vision, Investment, Reality

Today, less than a decade later, the Merom Yerushalayim development is already a reality in the heart of the historic compound—a Jerusalem masterpiece of world-class luxury in the throbbing heart of the capital city.

On the territory of the legendary Schneller compound, in the center of the eternal pulsating capital of the Jewish people, you can already see it all for yourself— a relic of Yerushalayim that is lively and vibrant in its full glory, both historical and innovative. A work that you can only find in one city in the world, Merom Yerushalayim boasts a meticulous preservation of the city’s spirit and unique atmosphere in conjunction with the highest international standards of construction.

It’s not for naught that every visitor and resident who’s been privileged to see the exclusive neighborhood of Merom Yerushalayim expresses excitement and admiration of the picturesque and magnificent neighborhood that has blossomed in the heart of the busy city. Already occupied by over one hundred people who are enjoying the luxury international standards that have not yet been seen in Israel, the prestigious Merom Yerushalayim neighborhood overlooks the city center, as well as dreamy landscapes of the Eternal City.

Indeed, Merom Yerushalayim is a catch for those who’ve always dreamed of living in Yerushalayim without sacrificing on the high standard of living they’re accustomed to in their place of origin. Inaugurated this past Pesach, Merom Yerushalayim has set a new standard for a world-class residential experience on a luxurious international standard in a quiet and pastoral neighborhood in the heart of the bustling city.

It Happened!

Merom Yerushalayim, the most coveted spot in the city, is the culmination of a vision of its developers, Yossi Waldman and Eric Rothner, who’ve dreamed of integrating pastoral rural tranquility with advanced urban involvement. Finally, their vision has come to life in a most exquisite, breathtaking project that awes even the most discerning eye.

There, in the Schneller compound, a conservation area that offers a sequence of rare archeological findings relating to the magic of Yerushalayim, the modern residential neighborhood has been established. The dream that echoed of a meticulous residential culture and design perfection has become a spectacular reality.

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