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Mofaz Announces his Resignation from the Government & Coalition

Deputy Prime Minister Shaul Mofaz a short time ago announced his party’s decision to resign from the coalition government after reaching an impasse regarding efforts to draft a law to address chareidi conscription. Following are excerpts from his remarks.

I was willing to make major concessions but had red lines and time simply ran out. We could no longer pay with words, but were compelled to take action.

We agreed to gradual incremental implementation of a draft law but not throwing sand in one’s eyes, which is what the prime minister’s position is. We will not accept a law that speaks of serving at age 27, not on my shift. Such a law is not ethical or moral and it would not pass the High Court challenge and we would not be a partner to such legislation.

Those seeking to compel the nation’s youths to enlist, referring to any sector, at age 26 is not genuinely interested in ‘sharing the burden’ and I will continue fighting towards achieving this goal. An age 26 induction would not past any test, not the High Court, not the families and not the nation. It is unacceptable.

I did not run to resign, but to the contrary, I did my utmost to continue for as long as possible but ultimately there was no alternative. The Kadima faction voted unanimously in favor of Plesner but the prime minister did not accept the recommendations. I did the best, ran the course, but we reached an impasse for we cannot address plans that do not stand the challenge of reality.

I admit I thought PM Netanyahu would view the politics and work for implanting historic change but speaking of inducting a 26-year-old is unacceptable to those enlisting at age 18, it’s simply a non-starter. To my sorrow, he had to choose between the draft evaders and the sharing the burden and his decision is now known to all. He did not leave us with options. I wanted so badly to present a historic agreement but it did not occur.

Both the public and history will judge the prime minister and history is not forgiving for the truth is known. Instead of working to truly bring about social justice, he opted to continue to deceive the nation.

Using a line similar to what he said when he broke from Likud, Mofaz stated “The public with have to decide between me and Netanyahu, who has aligned himself with the radical right-wing”.

In line with article 22, we will continue serving the nation from the benches of the opposition.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

5 Responses

  1. On the contrary, he did run to resign. He ran in order to act the part of conciliation, and thus gain popularity votes, so that he would have a fighting chance at the polls at the inevitable election. Now that he has built himself up as someone who cares for the emotions of the secularists, he is ready to resign and have a platform from which to campaign, as this is his only topic for discussion on which he can campaign.

  2. Hmm…maybe he has a nefarious agenda and needs psychologcal help. At least that’s what a local Yiddishe Taliban member said about me because I had the “chutzpah” to write in an email:

    “…The Torah itself describes us as a warrior nation, and provides rules for going to war. There are and have long been Dati and even Lubavitch units in Zahal, places where young men serve with due deference to Torah principles. Most important morally, for me, is the fact that by not serving the thousands of Chareidim at issue make others serve longer, and take all the risks of military service. Few people want to go into military service…most go merely because the social contract tells them it’s their civic obligation to serve. With rare and measured exceptions, all citizens have the same oibligation.

    “…it is as clear as it could be that civil legislation of Torah observance, attempts to force Torah observance on a secular population, is perhaps the most significant cause of that population’s hostility towards Yiddishkeit. What you want to do is use the Torah as club to beat people into observance…”

  3. Kadima stands for a collection of losers. Hokos Foukos and this Tzipi livni’s pride and joy will be gone, Not a minute too soon.

  4. I agree with YonasonW. This Mofaz guy may have serious issues and may not be a friend (to put it lightly). However, that has nothing to do with our obligations as Jews to each take a part in the nation. I know that everyone keeps saying that they are taking a part by learning. I respect that, however, as others have said here – If the chareidi population wants to really present themselves as doing their part for the safety of our nation living in the Land of Israel via their learning, then they should make concrete steps to show their support. Some examples that cost nothing:

    1. Create a Yom Iyun at least once a month, where they declare that their learning is dedicated toward supporting our soldiers who protect us. (Worded in that specific way to allow them not to dedicate their learning for anyone who’s coming into Jewish homes to expell them as in Gush Katif).

    2. Create a rotating schedule where specific yeshivas dedicate their learning for specific army units. Even better, have a plaque placed at the entrance to the Beis Medrash that says the learning here in part is dedicated to protecting the Jewish people and specifically Unit X of the IDF that stands guard over our ability to learn Torah, daven and live in Eretz Yisrael.

    3. Set up partnering programs between the avreichim of specific yeshivas or kollels that have a partner of a specific platoon of the IDF. Encourage chavrusas (but don’t be pushy for someone who’s not interested). This will encourage a comraderie without the animosity.

    4. Set up satelite Beis Medrashes on IDF bases where avreichim can offer to be of assistance to any soldier who needs it.

    5. Create a travelling lecture series of halachos or Torah topics that are relevant to the soldiers. Again, this needs to be done is a way that’s non-judgemental and doesn’t push someone but rather encourages them to take a closer look at our heritage.

    6. Provide tours of our Holy sites – not just the Kotel but everything around the country. The avreichim can team up with the madrichim of the army’s teaching division to provide side-by-side lectures as they tour the country that is Holy to all of us – religious & non-yet-religious.

    I bet there are a lot of you who are thinking – yeah, right – they don’t want it! I’ll tell you what… first try it, in an honest & non-judgemental way and then see. To be done right, this needs the Gedolim to be interested and to specifically discuss plans – not through some underling. Can you just imagine the Kiddush Hashem possibilities??

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