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JUST IN: Kadima Leaving Coalition Following Plesner Committee’s Failure

A few short weeks after Kadima leader Shaul Mofaz accepted the post of deputy prime minister, signing a coalition agreement, the party is once again heading for the opposition benches. Mofaz’s move was not received with enthusiasm by many Kadima members who felt he should have gone to the polls, but the party leader was well-aware of the polls and the likely dismal outcome for his career and his party if the nation went to elections.

However, now that he has played his hand it is clear that the Plesner Committee will be recorded in the annals of political history as a failure as a number of the committee members resigned and the prime minister ultimately did not accept many of its recommendations.

After Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu announced he is not going to accept the committee recommendations it was clear that Mofaz had to break from the coalition to maintain any respect in the political arena, with many senior analysts predicting the Kadima party will fade away in the next general elections.

While the prime minister attempted to reach compromise with Mofaz today, Tuesday, 27 Tammuz, Mofaz rejected the offer explaining it would not withstand the test of a High Court challenge. Therefore, Kadima leaders convened at 17:00 to decide the party’s fate, and as expected, some 70 days after entering the coalition. Mofaz told his colleagues that there is no alternative other than breaking from the government. This official announcement was made a short time ago, signaling the beginning of the latest coalition crisis.

The party voted 25-3 in favor of leaving the coalition.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

6 Responses

  1. lets not forget all the tefillas and learning that klal Yisroel did, we are already starting to see the Yeshua.

    Mofaz hasn’t had any time to build up an image that says Kadima is electable and so his party will go into meltdown. By leaving the coalition, Mofaz will be committing political suicide. Kadima will be history. Lkud will win the next election, and will form a coalition government together with the religious parties. It is time to realize that the best soldiers we have are those who study Torah leshmoh. ERETZ YISRAEL BLI TORAH HE KEGUF BLI NEHSAMA!

  2. On the contrary, Mofaz will use Netanyahu’s position to his best advantage in the coming general elections. Without Rachamei Shomayim Merubim, Kadima could win the elections now on a right wing platform that includes a widespread draft.

  3. getzel|1 I wish you were right with your prophecy, but I have a feeling it won’t go all that simple.

  4. look i”m not a prophet at all but, but if you do your math
    Kadima with 29 MK goes out….We have now a coalition of 94 Mks…. 65 Mks will still remain in the coalition…a majority in the Knesset and no need for new elections..unless Bibi decides that he wants them…..

    Recent polls show Kadima will win as few as 3 mandates in the next election. Bye bye Kadima. It’s been miserable knowing you. Labor will not do nearly as well as it hopes, either. Overall, this will strengthen the centre right Israeli majority.

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