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Yahadut HaTorah Firmly Opposed to Draft Efforts

Yahadut HaTorah released a statement firmly opposing ongoing efforts to draft chareidim into the IDF or national service. The chareidi party explains that it opposes efforts to introduce the chareidi tzibur into a secular lifestyle contrary to the fundamental ways of the torah. The party leaders reiterate such an option will not be considered under any circumstance “due to the gap that exists between secular society and the torah way of life”.

“The party opposes integration intended at assimilating the chareidi way of life for all these efforts are chas v’sholom to turn the chareidi into a chiloni”.

Party officials vow to continue tenacious efforts to safeguard the torah community and to permit avreichim to continue with their limud torah.

“Eretz Yisrael’s entire existence is due to those studying torah for without them there cannot be an existence.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

7 Responses

  1. How can we ignore the words of Moshe Rabbeinu, “Acheichem Yovouh Lamilchomo V’atem Teishvu Poh?”. ‘Your brothers will go to battle, and you’re just gonna sit here?’.

    Moshe Rabbeinu does not get intimidated or swayed, by any Heiligeh Pshetlech. Look at the M’koishesh, Korach, Meraglim, all their Pshetlach did not help.

  2. #1- If the army were being run by Moshe Rabbainu then there would be no issue. The army is run by seculars. Just yesterday there was an article on Israel national news which stated that there is a 20% rate of even Dati Leumi soldiers going off the derech during their time as soldiers.

    From the article by R’Eliezer Melamed;”
    However, the truth must be told: Along with fulfilling the great mitzvah of serving in the army, the religious community pays a heavy price for carrying the burden of Israel’s defense and national security. It’s no secret that more than twenty percent of youth from the religious-Zionist community leave the way of Torah and mitzvoth.

    A significant number do so during, or as a result of, their army service. Even among those who remain religious, many are significantly weakened in the army. Did their parents, who invested fortunes of money sending their children to pre-military academies in hopes that they remain religious – even minimally, invest those fortunes in vain?”

  3. #1

    That comparison is an absurd one. That army was led by Moshe Rabeinu and anyone who was a worried because he had to may sins on his concience was disqualified from joining. Compare that to an army where it is near impossible to maintain anything close to one’s level of ruchniyos, at the very best, and where as the article mentions, the very purpose of many of those calling for a universal draft plainly state that the intention is to “integrate” the chareidim into a secular lifestyle

  4. they aren’t going on a milchemes mitzvah get that through your head!!!!

    Hashem didn’t tell anyone nowadays to fight any other country!

    at the most it’s protecting the country which Torah does

  5. Hey Yira, good to know that you’re a bigger talmid chacham than all of today’s gedolim – if you have a genuine question, ask a genuine Rav! Contradicting them on a comment forum just makes YOU into an am haaretz

  6. #1, How can you ignore the words of the Moshe Rabbenus of our generation, who are all against drafting yeshivah bochurim.

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