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Condition of Avreichim Involved in MVA Improving

The avreichim seriously injured in a motor vehicle accident on erev shabbos while traveling from Betar Illit to Beit Shemesh are reportedly doing better. A total of seven people were injured.

Avreichim Eliyahu ben Devorah (27), Shlomo Yitzchak ben Gitel Rochel (29), and Aaron ben Bracha Basha were the most seriously injured. The others sustained light injuries.

Rav Eliezer Berlind visited the avreichim in the hospital earlier in the week, explaining to them that since hearing of the accident there have been round-the-clock tefilos on their behalf at the Tziyun of Rav Nachman in Uman and at Kever Rashbi as well as a special tefilla event at the Kosel.

Shlomo Yitzchak was seriously injured. Doctors told his wife that he has sustained irreversible neurological damage after sustaining serious injuries to the area of his jaw and a leg. He has already undergone a number of surgeries to save the injured leg. After hearing the news the wife broke down in tears but after regaining her composure she reportedly went to her husband’s bedside and asked “Do you want to fly to Uman? If you do, please say so”.

To the surprise of the doctors Shlomo Yitzchak moved his foot to respond. He is expected to be released from intensive care in the coming days.

Eliyahu Kirshenbaum was also seriously injured. His CAT scan revealed a serious blow near his brain and doctors explained to the family he got as close to a tragedy as one can get.

Aaron Laufer, who was listed as moderate was released from the hospital on erev shabbos but returned by ambulance on motzei shabbos with severe leg pain”.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

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