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Maariv Shutting Down Print Version

After 64 years of operation, the print edition of the daily Maariv newspaper is about to become history. Israel’s Journalist Association is challenging the move and a hearing will be held later in the week in a labor court but it appears that the Maariv print edition joins the growing number of print newspapers unable of sustaining themselves. The newspaper does plan to continue with a digital version.

As a result, Yisrael HaYom, which is distributed for free on streets nationwide and Yediot Achronot are the remaining major daily print newspapers. Interestingly, as Maariv shuts down the market for chareidi newspapers and magazines seems to be growing. YWN-ISRAEL recently reported that the daily HaMevaser became the first Israeli chareidi newspaper to offer an email PDF edition for free.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

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