Cops Ignore Arab Attack Against Jew in Beit Haninah

Israel Police seems to have a political agenda and that agenda dictates the actions of the department, or in this case, the inaction of Jerusalem police, the failure to respond to an attack against a Jew living in a predominately Arab area of the capital.

Last Thursday, 22 Tammuz 5772, a number of Arabs entered the Nof Shmuel area of Beit Haninah and significantly damaged a vehicle belonging to one of the Jewish residents. Some of the vehicle’s windows were smashed, parts of the vehicle were broken or damaged, and damage was also caused to the exterior body. Proponents of the Jewish minority explain that even if one opposes their presence, the home was legally purchased as determined by the courts, and assisting a person under attack should not be the subjective decision of a police commander, but a responsibility that police must carry out. Unfortunately, it appears this is not the case.

The owner of the vehicle did the correct thing and notified police of the vandalism hate attack, asking that a police unit respond to document the incident. Police told the complainant that he may come to the station if he wishes but no one was being sent to investigate.

“When I arrived at the station and filled out a complaint I was instructed to return in a few days” the owner is quoted as telling HaKol HaYehudi. The victim explains the attack against his vehicle was the fifth. Just 5-6 weeks ago a firebomb was hurled at this home, and rock-throwing attacks are commonplace.

The homes in the new neighborhood in Beit Haninah were purchased legally by the Israel Land Fund as the organization continues efforts to redeem area of Yerushalayim and Eretz Yisrael. The organization’s founder and director, Aryeh King, decries the complacent attitude of police, which he feels is partly responsible for continued attacks since those who want the Jews out of the neighborhood are well-aware that police are not going to do anything against attackers.

King praised the establishment of a special team of investigators to probe the latest arson attack against foreigners from Africa in Jerusalem and questions why when Jews are attacked police decide not to respond. “There is no doubt that if the home or vehicle of an African resident was attacked in the eastern capital police would respond” King stated, “and the mayor would visit the area of the attack for a photo op”.

“Here, since we are dealing with Jews, the response is silence and Jewish blood remains hefker”.

King adds there are policemen wishing to take action and solve the problem but the orders are coming from higher up, the orders to sit back and not respond.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

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