Eida Children’s Protest Set as Planned

The large Eida Chareidis protest involving an expected 5,000 children is set to take place on Monday evening 26 Tammuz 5772 at 17:00. The event will take place at Jerusalem’s Kikar Shabbos.

Eida rabbonim feel the children must send the clear message of protest and outrage over the government’s plan to compel tens of thousands of avreichim to abandon their life of fulltime torah study to enlist in the IDF or a state-approved national service program. The children are going to be handcuffed to one another as the Eida rabbonim attempt to send their clear message of absolute disapproval of the imminent gezeira.

The schedule for the event as follows: 1. Tefilas צאן הקדושים 2. Recitation of אבינו מלכנו 3. Words of hisorarus 4. The children will express their commitment to mesirus nefesh against the decree. 5. Children marching through the streets of Yerushalayim.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

6 Responses

  1. …and the counter-protest will be taking place in my backyard. I suspect that people will take the Eida’s protest just as seriously as mine. We will begin with the recitation of a tefila for our soldiers.

  2. Excellent!

    Let’s protest against bitul torah by …………….

    Boruch hashem these leaders weren’t around in Mordechai Ha’tzadiks time.

  3. I know I am missing something but what is wrong with helping the elderly, putting out fires and helping direct traffic? I don’t understand how this is the same as the army where one must live in close quarters?

  4. handcuff the children? I think this is ridiculous! No one is being asked to ‘abandon a life of Torah’. They’re just being asked to ‘pitch in ‘ and protect the country they actually live in. Frum boys go through the army and come out the other side still frum.
    If you’re not willing to ‘help’, then I honestly don’t know why you live in Eretz Yisroel!

  5. “They’re just being asked to ‘pitch in and protect the country they actually live in”

    they are pitching in and protecting it- by learning!

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