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Record Sales At 3-day Sales Event In U.S. For The New Ramat Givat Ze’ev

Ramat Givat Ze’ev is a luxury project, developed by Nofei Israel Real Estate and Marketing Ltd., which will be built over the next few years, specifically targeting the American Orthodox population interested in making aliya. The community will be headed by rabbis who understand the American -Jewish mindset, and the olim will also benefit from a variety of services to ease their acclimation, including job placement and schools combining Israeli and American approaches. This is the first project of its kind and caliber in Israel; single-family homes and high-quality lifestyle, all ten minutes from the center of Jerusalem.

Nofei Israel Real Estate and Marketing Ltd. boasts many years’ experience in development. Last week the company held a three-day sales event in New York where over forty lots were sold. Chanoch Kass, an owner in the company, says, “I was shocked by the scope of the sales and the large-scale interest in such a project. American families already living in Ramat Bet Shemesh even told the sales representatives that this is exactly what American families need in order to take that life-changing step.” Chanoch Kass is confident that the Ramat Givat Ze’ev project will increase aliya to Eretz Yisrael by providing for the needs of the religious public, helping them to feel at home despite the transition to Israel. The record sales within such a short period of time testify to the demand for a project on such a scale. Interestingly, a number of well-known rabbis were among the buyers.


4 Responses

  1. Let the Tzibur beware that the ad claiming that Givat zev is 10 minutes from the Kotel is an outright lie. Even at midnight, it took me no less than 25 minutes to drive from Givat Zev through the checkpoint down 443 to the Begin, exiting at Kiryat Moshe, waiting for all the green lights, driving down Betzalel than Hillel, & through the old city by car. On a normal day, it will be a minimum of 45 minutes, and without a car at least 1 hour, maybe more!

  2. This is a well-thought out project, on the pricey side yet worth the buck. ALIYAH will be increasing due to economic, educational, anti-Jewish sentiments that are silently emerging in the US and in Europe.

    Home is always home and now a ‘welcome mat’ is out.

  3. Perhaps the language in the advertisement changed from “10 minutes from the Kotel” to “10 minutes to the center of Jerusalem”, but I think the people that live in this type of neighborhood do not call the Betzalel/Hillel area “the center of Jerusalem”, maybe more like Geulah/northern Jerusalem, and to those areas you can get in about 15-20 minutes, so it’s not a total stretch.

    Also, the people to whom this article is targeted would obviously be having cars.

  4. Yissi
    If you would go up the 436 through Ramot you would be in Jerusalem in 5 minutes it is 4-5 km from Ramot, and at the Kotel in 10-15 maybe 20 minutes depending on traffic,I have done it, Yes you need a car,I agree. But,if you know the right roads to take,it is not an exaggeration.

    IY”H Mashiach should come and we will all know the roads of yerushalayim like the backs of our hands.

    Best Regards

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