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Sharpton Suggests Summit For Kelly, NYPD Critics

Rev. Al Sharpton is asking city officials and community leaders to meet and discuss gun violence in the city and how to stop it.

The invitation stems from a violent Fourth of July weekend and controversial comments from Police Commissioner Ray Kelly, who said community and elected officials upset at the NYPD’s stop-and-frisk policy weren’t doing enough or speaking out against the violence.

Sharpton, who is a vocal opponent stop-and-frisk, said he has asked the police commissioner to take part and is waiting to hear back.

“Let us talk about how we can work to stem the violence and how we can deal with stop-and-frisk and try and see if mature leadership can stop this taking shots at each other and stop the shots out in the streets and the violation of people’s civil rights,” he said.

During last weekend’s spate of shootings, a three-year-old Brooklyn boy was grazed in the leg.

(Source: NY1)

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