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Mitt Romney to Have Post-Tisha B’Av Meal in Yerushalayim With The Netanyahus

The Weekly Standard has confirmed reports that Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney plans to be in Israel on Sunday, July 29, the fast day of Tisha B’Av.

During discussions about the trip over the last month, advisers to Romney and Israeli prime minister Bibi Netanyahu discussed the appropriateness of a Romney visit to Israel on this date. But Netanyahu, The Weekly Standard has confirmed from top aides in Yerushalayim and Boston, encouraged Romney to be in Yerushalayim on this solemn day, one that recalls the tragedies of Jewish history and calls to mind current threats to the Jewish people.

Indeed, The Weekly Standard reports that Prime Minister and Mrs. Netanyahu have invited the Romneys to join them for the traditional meal breaking the fast following sundown after Tisha B’Av. This gesture suggests that what may have started out as a routine candidate touchdown in Israel has become a more serious and significant moment for both Netanyahu and Romney.


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