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1,000 Rabbonim on the Shas Siyum Dais

Workers are already busy planning and constructing the dais that will accommodate 1,000 rabbonim and magidei shiurim for the upcoming siyum shas at Teddy Stadium in Yerushalayim. There will be a separate “mizrach” for the gedolei yisrael shlita, headed by Maran HaGaon HaRav Ovadia Yosef Shlita.

Police have announced that attendance will be limited to the stadium’s maximum number, 21,800. This has created somewhat of a panic among the tens of thousands wishing to attend, realizing that most will simply not be successful in efforts to obtain a ticket.

On the day of the siyum, Monday, 11 Menachem Av at 16:00, shuttle buses will begin transporting people from the Jerusalem Convention Center (Binyanei Ha’uma) to Teddy Stadium. Doors at the stadium will open at 17:00.

Organizers announce that the event will be a historic one, attended by gedolei yisrael, roshei yeshiva and admorim from all walks of frum life. Entertainment will be headed by Moshe Mona Rosenblum accompanied by Moshe Chavusha and Mordechai Ben David.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

6 Responses

  1. Finally they’re allowing MBD a symbol of achdus and a talmid chacham of note who’s brought together klal yisroel with his music on a Torah stage.

  2. There is a solution – carry the siyum live over the internet so everyone can see it 🙂 Oh not hat wouldn’t work…

  3. #2 – Yes it does, but for the kovod of 1000 Rabbonim and the separate “mizrach” for the gedolei yisrael shlita, we can ignore a little detail like that.

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