A Toldos Aaron Community Being Established in Charish

Toldos Aaron appears heading for the next chareidi city, Charish, situated in the Nachal I’ron area of northern Israel. The chassidus was a pioneer in Beit Shemesh and now seems to be taking a practical approach again, seeking the next community under construction, thereby setting the stage for young couples to acquire affordable homes.

HaRav Nachum Kahan, the son of the rebbe shlita is spearheading the move to the north, aware of the need of housing for his tzibur. Rav Nachum is rosh yeshivas Pekudas Eliezer – Matte Aharon in Beis Shemesh.

According to a BaKehilla report, the rebbe shlita is of course backing the move and he has instructed askanim in the kehila to focus efforts in that direction despite ongoing efforts to increase the community in Beis Shemesh. One of the primary motivating factors is the rebbe is aware that Beis Shemesh, parents today, for the most part, are unable to purchase apartments for their children while the lower priced homes in Charish will provide such an opportunity.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

2 Responses

  1. As Charish is to be a fully Chareidi city, one hopes that the clashes we’ve seen here in Beit Shemesh will not occur in their new location.

    an Israeli Yid

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