Israel: We Have More Illegal Aliens Than Olim Chadashim

MK Danny Danon, who chairs the Knesset Absorption Committee, told Arutz-7 that sadly, there are more illegal aliens crossing into Israel today than new immigrants, olim chadashim.

Danon explained that immigrants benefit by moving to Israel as does the country, so it is a win/win situation for all involved. At present, there are 25,000 illegal aliens arriving in the country annually and only 19,000 olim. He hopes that more people will decide to come home to Israel.

“The way to win the war against the Arabs is by bringing more olim. Last week we had the funeral of Prime Minister Shamir and he always said, ‘bring more olim. This is very important’.”

Danon feels that while there are some difficulties, and it is hot and one will sweat, it is best to sweat here in the holy land and aliyah is the way to go.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

2 Responses

  1. Interesting. Aliyah is the way to go… for who. Religious Jews are being persecuted. Modern Jews are caught in the middle, non religious can find more success any where else in the world. And non Jews have america.

  2. RabbiRabin: “Religious Jews are being persecuted”.

    Religious Jews in Israel are, almost without exception, deeply zionist and an integral part of Israli society. Religious Jews in Israel are not persecuted and do not claim to be (with the exception of fringe groups like Ka”ch, and even they don’t tend to claim that the attitude towards them is based on their being religious).

    I assume that you meant to refer to Charedi Jews. Despite the awful rhetoric and vitriol you read in sites like YWN, the truth is that Charedi Jews (a great many of whom are also zionist, and openly so, in Israel)are not persecuted in Israel, either. The reality is that both the state and the general society of Israel support Charedim, both in words and in deeds, including massive financial support. Whether or not you agree that the demand that they share the burden (in some way other than limud torah) is wise, it is surely not persecution, nor is it hateful.

    Hateful rhetoric will get us nowhere. Heyeh mitalmidav shel Aharon, ohev shalom verodeph shalom, ohev et habriot umekarvan latorah.

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